Consumer psychology plays an important role in marketing by allowing marketing and sales managers to modify business practices to improve the consumer buying experience and increase sales. Any time you are creating a new marketing and sales strategy, you need to carefully evaluate how psychological factors should be incorporated into branding, whether you are selling products and services online or from a physical store.

  1. Motivation – What motivates consumers? Consumer behavior is complex, and each person will be motivated by different marketing messages.
  2. Experience – How much familiarity does the consumer have with the products or services you are selling? If they are not familiar, take the time to educate them about how your product or service will better benefit them.
  3. Beliefs – What do consumers believe about your products or services? Is the information you provide true and accurate, or could it leave them with feelings of resentment because you withheld information?
  4. Attitudes – The attitudes of consumers help influence their buying decisions, and what information they provide when sharing their customer experiences with their family and friends, as well as the rating and comments they leave on customer review sites about your business.
  5. Perception – Are they looking for a bargain, high quality, outstanding customer service, or a combination of these factors? How consumers perceive your products or services is often correlated to your marketing strategy and branding.

In addition to psychological factors, there are other factors that govern consumers’ buying habits, like how well you communicate with your customers. Effectively communicating with consumers by using a marketing message that mirrors the tone of the target market can improve your marketing and sales strategic efforts. To learn more about our skill building programs, contact Computer Systems Institute now by calling 1-847-967-5030.