Moving to a new country to pursue your college education, internships, or other reasons can be daunting if you are not properly prepared. Taking the time to prepare before you move will save you headaches and hassles later.

  1. Visit the country on holiday/vacation first. If you have never been to the country you want to live in, it is a good idea to take a one or two week trip to check it out. During your stay, take time out to visit local shops to find out the costs of food, clothing, and other essential items you will need.
  2. Learn the local language. For instance, if you want to move to the U.S., you should know Basic English before you arrive and complete an intensive English program after arriving.
  3. Visit your healthcare provider. Make sure all of your immunizations and vaccinations are current before traveling abroad.
  4. Apply for your student visa and work visa. Simply having a student visa does not allow you to work in most countries. You also require a work visa.
  5. Secure housing before you depart home. Talk to your university or college about housing options and the costs.
  6. Save plenty of money. Make sure you have enough money to cover all of your expenses during your stay, or at least 3 months’ worth, if you will be working.

By using these tips, your move to a new country will proceed more smoothly. If you are moving to the United States, you can enroll for intensive English and interpersonal communication skills programs at Computer Systems Institute. Contact us now at 1-847-967-5030 for more information.