The computer science and information technology (IT) industry offers a wide array of different career opportunities. Deciding which career field to pursue is often directly related to the types of courses completed through computer science programs. Some programs offer a balanced education, making it possible to consider multiple career options, while others provide specialization in a specific career area.

Some of the fastest growing and more popular computer science and IT careers include:

  • Software Developer – This career requires having a background in modern programming languages and being able to develop new software apps and programs for computers and mobile devices.
  • IT Security Analyst – Security is a major concern in the IT industry, and this career allows one to test security apps, identify risks, and develop solutions to help keep data and information safe.
  • Web Developer – Websites need to be constantly updated, built, and modified to adjust to changes in technology, as well as develop new solutions for emerging online technologies.
  • Computer and IT Research Specialist – A career in this field requires being able to develop new ways to resolve computing issues in various industries.
  • Computer Systems Analyst – Many organizations have specific computer and IT needs and rely upon systems analysts to develop, test, and implement solutions using the latest technologies.

Some people start in one IT career area and later move into another as they gain experience. To get started in a career in computer science, call CSI Now at 1-847-967-5030 to learn about our computer science courses and programs.