Expanding your college or university education by studying abroad can be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. However, one of the biggest obstacles for studying abroad is being able to cover the costs of education, housing, food, and other such expenses. One of the best ways to help defray the cost of living and studying abroad is to raise money before you leave home, such as:

  • Selling Custom Made Clothing – Make your own t-shirts or articles of clothing with your own sayings or designs.
  • Hold Fundraisers – Work with your local community centers, schools, churches, and other such places to get permission to fundraise for your education.
  • Wash Cars – Everyone needs their car washed, and this is an easy way to raise money for school.
  • Tutor Younger Students – You can offer your services to tutor younger students.
  • Ask Friends and Family for Donations – It never hurts to ask friends and family members for contributions toward your education.

As a last resort, there are student loans, too. However, you have to pay any money you borrow back.

While studying abroad in the United States, you should consider enrolling in the affordable ESL programs at Computer Systems Institute. Our programs are among the best and provide our students with a diverse range of options, as well as career training. Contact us at 1-847-967-5030 now for more information!