Exams, classwork, and other school-related activities can sometimes lead to stress and anxiety. Everyone feels stressed at times, but learning to manage this stress will prevent these feelings from affecting your academic performance and your enjoyment of your free time. There are several techniques and tips you can use to reduce and relieve stress whenever it occurs; finding the right strategy for you may take time, but will ultimately help you in your studies and in your future career once you graduate.

Physical Activity

Exercise has many beneficial effects—one of its lesser-known benefits is stress relief. Getting your body moving can help you work off nervous energy, improving your ability to sleep at night and get the rest you need to face your day. Taking some time for yourself can also give you a constructive mental break from your studies so you can come back with a refreshed outlook. Additionally, exercising produces endorphins that raise your mood, which can help when you’re feeling anxious or stressed. When you exercise, your body will feel physically healthy, which helps your mind to feel more focused as well. If your body feels good, you will feel more energetic and better able to concentrate on schoolwork and your other commitments.


On the other end of the spectrum from physical activity is meditation. Daily meditation can improve mental focus and help the body to release stress that may be interfering with your ability to perform daily activities, including studying. You don’t need any special surroundings to meditate—simply pick a quiet space, such as your bedroom, and sit for a few moments, trying to clear your mind of thoughts. If you have trouble or continue feeling anxious, find a positive phrase to repeat to yourself, such as “I feel at peace,” or “This stressful time will pass.” This method combines positive self-talk with the soothing effects of meditation to improve mood and mental focus so you can go back to your studies with a clearer mind.


When you feel overwhelmed, it can be difficult to determine where to start on a to-do list that feels endless. Taking some time to organize your schedule can help you feel more able to manage the things that are causing you stress. First, list everything you need to get done, both for school and at home, and a date by which you need to do it. Second, organize your list in terms of due dates, combining home and school activities. Don’t forget to schedule sleep, meals, and relaxation time, which are just as important as schoolwork and other daily tasks. Give yourself a rough estimate of how long you expect each task to take, but keep in mind that distractions or unexpected events might interfere with your schedule. Nonetheless, having a plan of action can help you feel more soothed and relaxed, especially as you cross each completed item off your list.

Learning to use stress relief techniques will aid you both during your time at Computer Science Institute and beyond. Please visit our website for more details about our courses in Chicago and Massachusetts, or check out our blog for more tips on managing time and stress at school.