“Thank” and “you” are two little words that will never go out of style when it comes to interviewing for a job – especially when you consider the amount the average U.S. employer spends to hire a new employee ($4,000, according to Glassdoor).
Regardless of whether your interview takes place remotely or in person, sending a thoughtful thank you note following any interview is a tried-and-true way to reiterate your interest in the position and make a great impression.
Need some guidance for crafting a knock-out post-interview thank you note? Keep these seven tips top-of-mind:

  1. Express your appreciation: ALWAYS start your note by sharing your thanks. It can be as simple as “Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me today regarding your opening.”
  2. Include specifics about what you learned during the interview: Show your interviewer you were engaged in the conversation by recalling detailed information you discussed, such as the company’s culture, skills they are looking for in a candidate, etc. If possible, take notes during the interview so you can recall the conversation easily.
  3. Reiterate why you are a good fit for the job: In addition to being polite, a thank you note gives you an additional chance to share why you are the best person for the role. Does the company want someone who can juggle multiple priorities? Use this opportunity to emphasize how and when you mastered this skill.
  4. Close your note by offering to provide additional information: It’s always a good idea to offer work samples, references, or anything else that can validate your skills.
  5. Proofread your thank you note: Your good intentions can be quickly derailed if a spelling or grammar mistake slips through the cracks. No matter what job you are interviewing for, you want to put your best foot forward and show you are an effective communicator.
  6. Send individual notes to your interviewers: Were you interviewed by more than one person? It’s important to thank them individually for their time. This extra effort will go a long way!
  7. Send the note within 24 hours: Time is of the essence when it comes to sending your thank you note. It’s best to “press send” within one day of your interview to ensure it doesn’t seem like an afterthought. Amanda Augustine of TopResume, says, “Our recent Thanksgiving survey reveals that sending a well-crafted email within 24 hours of a successful job interview could be the tipping point that catapults you to the top — or the bottom — of the finalist pool. In the job search, timing is everything.” 2

Need an example of an effective thank you note? Check out this sample:

Hi Ms. Jones,
Thank you for taking the time to interview me for Company A’s graphic design opening. I enjoyed learning more about this role and the company as a whole. After speaking with you and hearing about Company A’s culture, I have a clear picture of how I would fit into the team.
As we discussed, I believe the graphic design, webpage design, and search engine optimization experience I gained while studying at Computer Systems Institute will serve me well in this role, particularly when it comes to creating eye-catching designs that engage customers.
I’ve attached several work samples for your review. If I can provide any additional information, please let me know.
Thank you again for your time and consideration!
Bob Smith

Contact CSI for Career Advice
At CSI, we are available to lend a hand as you navigate the career search – from writing your post-interview thank you note to creating a resume that warrants a second glance. For assistance, email careerservices@csinow.edu your name, goals, and any relevant documents (resume, cover letter, etc.), and we’ll reach out as soon as possible.